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13th Child (2002)

13th Child (2002)

Cliff RobertsonLesley-Anne DownChristopher AtkinsGano Grills
Thomas Ashley,Steven Stockage


13th Child (2002) is a English movie. Thomas Ashley,Steven Stockage has directed this movie. Cliff Robertson,Lesley-Anne Down,Christopher Atkins,Gano Grills are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. 13th Child (2002) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit the perfect murder or will the legend of the Jersey Devil prove to be true?

13th Child (2002) Reviews

  • ughh..


    If you are thinking of seeing this movie, I would think again. Living in Southern New Jersey, the Legend of the Jersey Devil really hits home. So when we heard of this movie, there was no doubt we were going to see it. So we paid $7.75 each at the local multiplex, and settled in. I was originally expected Blair Witch Project type filmography, but the video was actually better than I thought it would be. The movie on the other hand was absolutely dreadful! Not only was their a non-existent plot, but the author completely changed the legend of the Jersey Devil! No Mother Leeds? There were so many obvious errors in the movie, it was really an amateur production. The theatre booed loudly at the end. I heard no less than 10 people comment that it was the worst movie ever. I couldn't help but agree.

  • why cant cryptozoologists get any decent movies?


    seriously?! with the exception of "the mothman prophecies" there has never been one single decently entertaining cryptozoologicaly based movie ever made, and this film is a perfect example of bad cryptozoological movies. First of all the writer/s had little respect for the actual ledgend of the jersey devil, but thats the least of the movies problems, the actors (except for the old dude who was controlling the devil, the only decent proformance in the entire movie) were awful, the dialog sounds like it was written by some directors cousin who thinks he knows a thing or two about hollywood screenplays, i dont want to sound like a bitter militant movie buff but i do want people to give the field of cryptozoology the respect it deserves, and if it keeps getting bad movies made about it like this the public will be far less likely to accept it in the field of mainstream science (i know the odds of that actualy happening are slim.......but still) hopefuly hollywoods thinning creativity will turn out a decent cryptozoologily themed movie in the future, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

  • What a Waste of Time!!!


    Bad acting was only one reason this movie sucks ass. What a complete waste of time to watch this dreadful piece of sh*t!! Who would have thought that "Benson" would stoop so low as to "act" in a crappy movie like this. And Christopher Atkins needs to go back to the Blue Lagoon. He sucked as well. Oh, and how many times did we actually get to see this Jersey Devil? Hell, he made probably about three appearances in the whole damn movie. Good thing though, it was totally comical when you did get to see him. And Michelle Maryk, she was absolutely awful. Her enthusiasm just overwhelmed me throughout this nightmare. She looked and acted just like what she drove around in, a dull, pale old VW Bug!! Avoid this one at all costs.

  • Not very scary


    I figured that I'd see this since I live in the Pine Barrens and I thought the Jersey Devil would make a good story, but was disappointed. Besides them making up their own version of the Jersey Devil legend, the movie had other bad points. The acting of most of the people in the movie wasn't very good. The special effects were bad even for a B movie. Also parts of the movie that were supposed to be scary ended up being laughable because of the lousy acting and sound effects. Most of this could be forgiven as this was a B movie, except the plot made no sense what-so-ever. I talked to some other audience members as we left the theater to see if it was just me who was confused, but they were just as confused as I was. Currently this is only playing in South Jersey, but I'd wait for it to come to video when it gets near you.

  • Really not all that bad.


    Being one who was born and raised in South Jersey and near the Pine Barrens, I just had to see this movie. I read all the negative comments and ratings and braced myself for the worst. However, I was not all that disappointed. OK, so I gave this movie a HUGE benefit of the doubt, being a huge fan of South Jersey folklore and of the Jersey Devil, and also a fan of horror movies. But I still did enjoy it for the most part. It was good and bad. The Good: Cliff Robertson gave a great performance as Mr. Shroud, the mysterious Native American descendant. Christopher Atkins was also good as Ron, the park ranger and Gano Grills was good as Mitch, his partner. Robert Guillaume was excellent as Riley, the former cop. Aside from the acting, the basic story was great. And what made it better was that it was really filmed in New Jersey, particularly in Batsto village/park. But they did a good job of making it into Shroudsberg Manor. Also, I personally laughed at the Piney Hunter. I thought he was the funniest person. Although they changed the Jersey Devil legend, they did a good job in keeping with South Jersey history. They put the Lenni Lenape as the Natives there, which is true. The Bad: Michelle Maryk was downright awful as Kathryn, the D.A. assistant sent to investigate. Leslie-Anne Down was good but...why such high billing? She was only in the movie for a minute or 2. Seems like the good actors were given the small roles. Michelle Maryk got WAY too much screen time, I see why they gave her such a low billing, I wouldn't advertise her myself. The effects were not so great, and the camera-work was a bit shaky at times. The editing was awful, and the text on screen was badly put together. The time changes were confusing, but I actually sort of did get them. And they changed the legend, but I understand why. Over all: Not a movie for everyone. Mainly one for South Jersey locals. If you go to watch: Put it in your mind that this will be pretty bad and that the legend was changed, it will be easier to sit through then. 6/10.


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