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100 Mile Rule (2002)

100 Mile Rule (2002)

Jake WeberMaria BelloDavid ThorntonMichael McKean
Brent Huff


100 Mile Rule (2002) is a English movie. Brent Huff has directed this movie. Jake Weber,Maria Bello,David Thornton,Michael McKean are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. 100 Mile Rule (2002) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

A dark comedy about three salesmen from Detroit who come to Los Angeles for a two week seminar and get themselves involved in a world of trouble when their 'fun' snowballs into a roller-coaster ride of secrets, guilt, peer pressure and stupidity.

100 Mile Rule (2002) Reviews

  • A Good Laugh at Men at Work


    "One Hundred Mile Rule" turned out to be better than I expected from the very brief and bland synopsis provided. As a Jake Weber fan, I decided to go ahead and watch it, anyway. The three primary men in this movie get embroiled in a mess and don't quite know how to clean it up. If you read the synopsis, you get the general idea, but this movie only really comes together and gets interesting when the guys try to take matters into their own hands, as you may imagine. Maria Bello is seen in an interesting light, much different from her character on ER. It's not a five-star movie, but it's worth checking out for a good laugh, especially for Jake Weber fans.

  • Farther Than you Think


    This is one of those movies where the quality of the acting is far above the material itself. Michael McKean and David Thornton are joys to watch. Also, though the plot is derivative, it is very knowing about business trips and sales people, and if you've ever been on a business trip, you'll find yourself laughing and nodding at many points. The movie never seemed false or strained, just a little weak at the very end. Up to that point, it's an above average investigation of salesmen gone bad. It's a bit like "Very Bad Things" only played more for comedy than for dark drama. Jake Weber, though British, does a very good job playing an American, something that cannot be said of many of his countrymen.

  • Great Flick


    I picked this up because it had Jake Weber in it, who I love, and because I find Michael McKean hilarious. I didn't know what to expect, but I loved it. The comedy is quite clever and had me on the floor quite a few times. The acting is top-notch. Maria Bello is perfect as the femme fatale and makes sure not to go for the jugular in her scenes, brilliantly underplaying them to snare her game. Jake Weber has the dorky family man role down pat. Everything from the shifting of his glasses to his walk to his horrendous shirts. One of the funniest scenes involves him and his wife attempting phone sex. Don't expect a mastepiece, it's just lightweight entertainment. But it's incredibly well-made, clever, funny, and well-acted. 9/10

  • one of the funniest I've ever seen!


    I saw this movie on Cinemax and could not stop laughing. David Thornton was hilarious.The movie is so funny because it so realistic when it comes to the details of traveling salesmen. Unfortunately, this movie isn't getting the justice it deserves, but perhaps that is due to an audience that is tainted by our "contemporary" concepts of "comedy" that have nothing to do with reality. Anyone who appreciates comedy revolving around everyday mishaps and cheap pathetic traveling salesmen, will find that the day to day humor is undeniably hilarious. The plot is crafty, albeit it is a dark comedy but its subject matter still retains comedic value for most open-minded audiences. Michael McKean performs a perfect portrayal of a mid-level sales streetwise sales manager and perfectly complements Davis Thornton's cheap alcoholic character Jerry. I thought Maria Bello's performance was nothing much more than average, and definitely not nearly as realistic as McKean and Thornton.

  • It should have been good but....


    SPOILERS THROUGHOUT: Three salesmen take a trip together to attend a seminar. Much chaos and trouble follows. This was a movie that sounded like it had the capacity to be really good AND it had Maria Bello in it, of whom I've been a fan for several years. Unfortunately the movie left a lot to be desired. Maria Bello plays the seductress who blackmails one of the salesmen after he cheats on his wife with her. And Bello's actually not bad in the role. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot she can do with the part. One of the main problems of this movie are the characters portrayed. Most of them are so totally obnoxious that it's almost impossible to have any enjoyment in the movie. The plot is overshadowed by the unlikeable element of almost everyone and sometimes they seem like caricatures rather then characters. The movie has many plot twists, some of them even are rather unpredictable but none of them are very interesting, in fact much of the movie doesn't make any sense. There's a lot of arguing amongst the three salesmen which becomes unenjoyable, overplayed, and tedious. Bello's character lacks any complexity whatsoever and the movie becomes to dark and a mishmash of arguments, and plot contrivances. Any interest in the movie at the beginning slowly dissipates due to the slow pace and above mentioned goings on. Although this isn't a movie I thought was terribly good, it may appeal to people who are major fans of black comedies (a genre that is not among my favorites though I have seen some movies of this genre that are absolutely outstanding.) But even the black comedy purist may have problems with this as it just isn't one of the best of the genre. I did appreciate the reference to the movie "Very Bad Things" (a Movie that for some unfathomable reason I did enjoy a bit more then this one.) And I liked the casting of Bello. But the movie itself just didn't strike me as being put together all that great and was disappointing. My vote's 4 of 10.


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