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#1 Serial Killer (2013)

#1 Serial Killer (2013)

Jason TobinEugenia YuanTzi MaShoshana Bush
Stanley Yung


#1 Serial Killer (2013) is a English movie. Stanley Yung has directed this movie. Jason Tobin,Eugenia Yuan,Tzi Ma,Shoshana Bush are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. #1 Serial Killer (2013) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Years of seething rage against the racism he's experienced, combined with his idolization of Ted Bundy, has left Eddy has one goal: to become the greatest serial killer in history. Because he hides under the mask of his outwardly polite and quiet persona, his victims are taken completely by surprise as he reveals himself to be a bloody and violent force to be reckoned with.


#1 Serial Killer (2013) Reviews

  • Good low-budget film, nothing too unexpected


    Interestingly-titled low-budget film (with decent lead actors/actresses) about a Chinese-American guy (presumably in L.A.) who channels his racialized self-hatred into serial killing (of people of different races)...won't say *too much* more to give away the ending but doesn't delve very deeply into the underlying roots of his feelings (besides the obvious playground footage/memories of him being taunted). Also develops a love interest (with a Chinese woman) in his office and has some interesting dynamics with his boss (who is Chinese-American and who hires pretty blondes to be his secretaries to make his firm look more "prestigious"). Wish the film had explored a little more how he gets away with his crimes (it's because he's Asian descent that no one ever suspects him, but I thought this could have been teased out with a little more nuance.) Jason Tobin does a good job as the title character, he's able to convey a sense of constant self-discomfort but also drop the "mask" in certain situations when his character feels more at ease (not sure I really got what led him to "cross the line" and actually commit the murders however).


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