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Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

Patrick FugitShea WhighamTom WaitsWill Arnett
Goran Dukic


Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) is a English,Russian movie. Goran Dukic has directed this movie. Patrick Fugit,Shea Whigham,Tom Waits,Will Arnett are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Despondent over his breakup with Desiree, Zia slashes his wrists and goes to an afterlife peopled by suicides, a high-desert landscape dotted by old tires, burned-out cars, and abandoned sofas. He gets a job in a pizza joint. By chance, Zia learns that Desiree offed herself a few months after he did, and she's looking for him. He sets off with Eugene (an electrocuted Russian rocker) to find her, and they pick up a hitchhiker, Mikal, who's looking for the People in Charge, believing she's there by mistake. They're soon at the camp of Kneller, where casual miracles proliferate. They hear rumors of a miraculous king. Can Zia find Desiree? Then what? Where there's death there's hope.

Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) Reviews

  • A wild, wacky, enjoyable ride - you won't slit your throat in the middle of it


    Sometimes we find beauty in the strangest places; and, remarkably for such a gruesome title, Wristcutters could probably be said to be a rather uplifting affirmation of life, hidden within a seriously quirky black comedy. Set in an afterlife reserved for people who commit suicide, it seems to contain wacky nuggets of truth from oddball characters including Zia, searching for the love of his life, Mikal, an accidental visitor, Eugene, a Russian musician that electrocuted himself on stage from being badly heckled, and the weird and wonderful Kneller, played by the ever-mysterious Tom Waits. Zia slits his wrists and promptly wakes up in a world resembling this one, except that the colours are rather washed out and nobody smiles. He abandons his job at Kamikaze Pizza to search for his former love Desirée, and soon makes close friends with Mikal and Eugene, who accompany him on one of the strangest road trips since Dorothy lost her innocence in the Wizard of Oz. What gives Wristcutters its edge, are the frequent, addictively interesting, and not immediately fathomable symbols that keep cropping up and nagging away like in any good movie that yearns for cult status: such as the black hole under the passenger seat where things just disappear. We just know that place - how many things have you lost there? Then there are people who are just far too weird to have been dreamt up on the back of a Hollywood paycheck: like the throat-singing mute, the dead-again messiah, or the policeman who still has a hole in his head. There is a temptingly meaningful logic at work that will leave you fitting the pieces together long after the film has finished. Explaining how to perform minor miracles to the lovelorn Zia, Kneller tells him: "As long as you want it so bad, it's not going to happen - the only way it's gonna work is if it doesn't matter . . . " We soon start looking for clues to this rather crazy world and here Mikal (played by the much under-rated Shannyn Sossamon) looks like a good bet - but then so does anyone if you let your imagination run wild enough. The religious orthodoxy behind the ultimate ideas of Wristcutters is a weakness, but it is put subtly and light-heartedly so will be inoffensive to most viewers. If the stars in your sky have gone out for a while, maybe treat yourself to this zany and very well-produced story to set them on fire again. Wristcutters - a Love Story is at once touching, hilarious, thought-provoking and a hugely enjoyable ride.

  • "Wristcutters: A Love Story" is a very strange yet unique look at what a person would do in the name of love.


    Wristcutters" is about guy named Zia (Patrick Fugit) who commits suicide after his girlfriend breaks up with him. Once he does, he doesn't die but goes to a place where others who have committed suicide live as well. It's a bizarre tale of love, friendship, and the afterlife told through the eyes of director Goran Dukic and is based on the short story "Kneller's Happy Campers" by Etgar Keret. A funny, strange but very original film ensues… I had the pleasure of being able see this film at the Philadelphia Film Festival earlier tonight and I was glad that I got the opportunity to see such an original and creative film which so few will ever see. While this movie may actually be too dark or weird for some audiences, I personally loved it. It's been a long time since I have seen a romantic comedy that is this unique and this original. The plot for the movie is so bizarre that your eyes and brain are glued to the screen the entire time. This movie puts a whole new spin on the idea of a romantic comedy and does it flawlessly. All the characters seem to connect as they interact with each other. The movie seems to be a mix of the movie "Interstate 60" and the work of writer Hunter S Thompson. The movie at times is very dark and odd but it only adds to the originality and creative minds behind the film. When watching this film, just sit back and enjoy the ride. This film takes you to a world that you have never seen before. Who would ever think you would see a movie about a world that exists only to those who have committed suicide? And the funniest thing is it's the same thing as our world but a few minor differences. This is a movie that relies on imagination, something we as adults seem to forget to use anymore. This movie challenges Hollywood to take risks and go beyond the typical storyline and into something more creative and out of the ordinary. The acting in this film is very solid. Patrick Fugit who I feel is always underrated as an actor really does a great job in this film. I mean you think after movies like "Almost Famous" and "Saved!" his career would have taken off but oddly enough it hasn't yet. Regardless of his career, I think he did a great job with the material given to him. Also Shannyn Sossamon who played Mikal did a great job as well. Again I think she is another actress who has potential. She hasn't had a great breakout performance as of yet but I feel she has the potential to be big and when she does land that breakout role, she will be. Shea Whigham who played Eugene was very amusing. I enjoyed him as the crazy sidekick to Zia. And finally just because I think the guy is a riot and since half the audience started to laugh when they saw him appear on screen I must give credit to Will Arnett (GOB from Arrested Development) who appeared on screen for way to short of a role in my opinion. What made his role stand out was the fact that so many people recognized him as GOB on "Arrested Development" which as he came on screen near the end of the film, half the theater laughed and clapped. There are several others I haven't mentioned here but they all did a fine job as well. Director and writer Goran Dukic did a great job on this film especially since it was his first feature film. As the audience talked with Mr. Dukic during the Q&A I found out that a lot of this film was taken directly from the short story but the way he brought the film alive was amazing. I honestly think this is probably one of the most original and creative films I have seen in the theater in the last year or so. And Mr. Dukic does a fine job directing this film and capturing this bizarre world. In conclusion, if you're a fan of dark comedies I highly recommend this film. If you like movies that dare to be different I recommend you see this film. Honestly, I don't know the target audience for this film but it's definitely a must for those who want to see something original and different from the norm. It's a fine first film from director and writer Goran Dukic and it puts a new spin on the romantic comedy genre and all the things we will do for love. I would have to say it's probably the second best film I seen all year maybe not for being powerful or moving but for being really original and creative. MovieManMenzel's final rating for "Wristcutters: A Love Story" is a 9/10. A must see for those who love creative and dark stories or like movies that go beyond the norm.

  • An excellent film


    An excellent film and well worth seeing: It defies pigeonholing into a genre; it's a romantic comedy, but not *at all* like the stereotypical romantic comedy, even if it does use some of the same conventions. It's a road movie, but not in the traditional sense. The dynamics and even the plot work and are believable, requiring less suspension of disbelief than I would've imagined. The music and cinematography work well into a story that is darkly/morbidly funny but also a bit sweet, without being saccharine. The acting is well done and the characters believable and quite well developed. This is definitely an art-house film, but one that it really decently pedestrian and accessible, rather than esoteric or exclusionary (that is, appealing to only art-house film lovers). The sound works well, and visual effects are only ever momentarily cheesy.

  • Captivating


    This is one of "those" movies. You know the kind - like a catchy tune the vibe of this movie stays in your head... the movie had all the chances in the world to be depressing, but it was far from it, there are only a few drama elements and the title is not deceiving, it truly is a love story and a beautiful one at that and also threaded with great humor, when I laughed, I laughed hard. And I would probably cry if the ending was any different. I won't go into possibilities and impossibilities of metaphysical, because that's absolutely not what this story is about; purgatory, if you will, is only the stage, where the romantic play is performed, with that, it's innovative though actually daring, as it was probably obvious the box office would never explode from what 'Wristcutters' would make. In my opinion, the movie is so well made it would have been great even if it was stripped of suicide thing and it was just a plain love story. Oh and Shannyn Sossamon was so convincing, I think I'm in love with her now. ;)

  • fish and whale


    this is a must see picture. if you enjoyed Garden State then you will most definitely enjoy this. A movie that deals with life, and the appreciation of it all, even from a dead perspective in a creative way. a must see for Tom Waits Fans and recommended to anyone who's a sucker for a love story. The movie deals with what's at the core of a person. Cinematography that let's a viewer sink into the story, and laugh at what most would refer to as a "dark" or "sad" topic. With all that's going on in the world, it's about time that we start to realize that life is what we have, it's something valuable, that we have the choice to live, and can start living it any day. When Mikal says, "most of my friends were already half dead or dead anyways.", it does make you think and the movie pushes the idea it's never to late to start your life. The actors are all well picked for this movie, it seems as though they all move with ease together. You will leave the theater feeling not so much better about life, but with a smile on your face. You'll feel not a huge sigh of a relief, but a sigh of delight. Something about the movie made me remember time and time again that the purpose is to enjoy what you have, and to love without regret. It's a movie that makes you appreciate life from a new angle.

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