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Wonder Park (2019)

Wonder Park (2019)

Sofia MaliJennifer GarnerKen Hudson CampbellKenan Thompson
Dylan Brown


Wonder Park (2019) is a English,French movie. Dylan Brown has directed this movie. Sofia Mali,Jennifer Garner,Ken Hudson Campbell,Kenan Thompson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2019. Wonder Park (2019) is considered one of the best Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Family,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

June, an optimistic, imaginative girl, discovers an incredible amusement park called Wonderland hidden in the woods. The park is full of fantastical rides and talking, funny animals - only the park is in disarray. June soon discovers the park came from her imagination and she's the only one who can fix it, so she bands together with the animals to save this magical place and bring back the wonder in Wonderland.

Wonder Park (2019) Reviews

  • Not A Bad Movie At All But Didn't Quite Live Up to the Hype


    Nickelodeon Movies are back with another movie under their belts, this time back to animation once again, with the concept of a theme park brought to life by a imaginative girl, sounds super promising and could be a strong animated film, so I was pretty excited for the movie after the teaser, with it's perfect choice of music and beautiful visuals, the other trailers went in a comedic way which didn't quite grab me but other wise it's still got me interested, but after it was released in the US, I have not heard great things about it, in fact it sounded quite underwhelming, which is ashamed because from the teaser, it seemed like the animated film that would deliver something strong, so I saw it a few weeks after the US release and....... it really wasn't that bad, I know it's not great but it's watchable at best, so let's talk about it. June always imagined being the theme park of her dreams to life called "Wonderland", with the help of her Mum (Jennifer Gardner), with animal mascots based on her toys, Greta (Mila Kunis), Steve (John Oliver), Gus, Cooper (Joe Sugg, Casper Lee), Boomer (Tom Baker) and the main mascot and ride creator Peanut (Norbert Leo Butz), but after June's Mum gets ill and is taken to hospital, the darkness in Wonderland is brought in and takes over the park with cute Chimp toys that turn into Chimpanzombies that are now tearing the park apart, so it's up to June to go to the park and help her friends to save the park, well i mean.... you can guess from there what is going to happen, it's pretty predicable from top to bottom, you know what will happen and it will end exactly like how you would imagine, it doesn't take any risks or become interesting since despite it's unnecessary PG rating, it's a safe piece of fluff, with a weak script and it felt so rushed with nothing a lot to take from it, that and the moral and it's theme is all over the place, however despite all that, the movie's execution isn't too bad, it makes up for it with decent comedy, scenes that are generally fun and exciting at times to watch and the first few minutes before June heads off to Wonderland, are properly the best parts of the movie, it's touching, funny, strong and it has a decent set up for the movie, however half way through it grinds to a halt and just becomes a perfectly watchable film, the writing may has not saved the movie with it's predictability, bland and generic elements to it, confusing and rushed, it does save it with it's heart, chuckleworthy comedy and the first thirty minutes being great, so in a way, it's Splendiferous!. The animation is easily the best thing about the movie, but at the same time it's also the thing that makes the movie not very.... well "movie" worthy, first off it is a very beautiful looking movie, there is a lot of effort that has gone into making the movie, the different rides, the character designs and scenes where the rides malfunction are very well done, making it a pleasant film to look at, however!...... it's not the best looking animated film out there, although it's a impressive looking movie, it's also a very bland looking film, most of the characters look like it was done by a animation student, the Chimpanzombies look very basic and far too similar to the Minions and out of most the animated films, this one feels like it belongs to Netflix, not on the big screen with it's quality and especially opening and ending credits, but despite that, the animation is still a beautiful, but yet fun ride!. The characters are fine as they are, nothing about them stands out, but they aren't bad at all, June is quite likeable and relatable, although a bit bossy and bratty and a tad bit annoying but likeable, Peanut is properly the best character since he is delightful, interesting, loveable and funny, the other animals don't offer a lot, they deliver personality that may seem stereotypical, like Greta is the boss, Boomer is the one who always falls asleep, Gus and Cooper are the brothers who always fight with each other and Steve is pretty much the comic relief who has a crush on Greta, they are fun I guess?, but pretty forgetful, the parents are okay, although June's Mum has relatability and her chemistry with June is quite sweet honestly, other characters like Banky don't do anything to the movie besides being June's friend and love interest with not that much chemistry, however the voice acting is great, Brianna Denski does a good job as the voice of June, Norbert Leo Butz is spectacular as Peanut, Tom Baker is charming as Boomer, Mila Kunis is fun as Greta, John Oliver is amusing as Steve, as for YouTube vloggers Joe Sugg and Casper Lee, they are okay..., nothing special, just basic and doesn't stand out, but not a bad performance, the characters are a mixed bag, sometimes they have wonderful performances by great actors with some entertaining, relatable and likeable characters, on the other side, they are basic, nothing special, not very interesting all that much and are just stereotypicals. *sighs* Oh Nickelodeon Movies..... you were close to going back to the 2011's when you did animation in a amazing way, i mean... it's good to see ya back and all, but I'm a bit underwhelmed and kinda disappointed with your new film, it is better then Monster Trucks, I mean far better!, but.... not all that great, Wonder Park is a passable, watchable, perfectly fine animated film, kinda like this year's Boss Baby if you will, it has beautiful animation, a great concept, good voice acting, some funny and likeable characters and it is quite fun, this movie could of been a really strong and powerful movie about childhood and imagination, like Spike Jonze's 2009 adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are, however unlike that film, Wonder Park didn't quite hit all the right notes with a predicable story, animation that feels like it came from Netflix, comedy that is juvenile, characters that are nothing special and it feels confusing at the same time, so it's pretty good, but not amazing...., which is a-shame, I can see this movie working as a well/crafted original movie, but it doesn't quite get that..., honestly if they released this to Netflix then I would of been a more forgiving, but as it is, it's..... just fine, if you want to take the kids to see something colourful and that will keep them quiet, I guess go and see this, although Missing Link is still out and that one is far better, take the children to see that, but if you are interested, then see it, it's really not as bad as people are putting it, ignore the critics and form your own opinion on the movie, as for Nickelodeon Movies, maybe the TV series might be better and I hope they improve from this movie, maybe a Tintin sequel or a original movie?, but for now, we'll have to wait and see. I'm going to give Wonder Park a 7.2/10.

  • Not just beautiful also intellectual/intelligent.


    This movie is not like other animations. It is beautiful, colorful and cheery. It also has some interesting existential and intelligent parts that is applicable to both kids and growing adults. The ideals of the movie defines how animation movies should be rather than just having slapstick comedies stuffed on your face. There was still some places where the movie could have become legendary.

  • Please actually read those bad reviews and make real reviews for this spectacular movie


    So first off this movie is just amazing. It had me laughing, crying and just filled with emotion and investment throughout the whole movie. You will notice an unfortunatly large amount of negative reviews about this movie and I have to say please moderate the ones you know have no thought in them. The ones I speak of are every single one that only says "this movie is sad. My kid didn't like it. Not for under 6." OF COURSE IT'S NOT! So for parents. Here's the thing, judge movies you wanna show your kids based on how you wanna raise them but please think before you simply just say something that has absolutely no actual thought behind it as it does impact the enjoyment older kids get from studios endeavors. This is the first non SpongeBob (ugh) nickelodeon movie in decades. An original ip that came out of nowhere. Think very carefully about that. The reason is because SpongeBob is known, "safe" even though it clearly isn't smart for the most part after its first half of seasons, and parents just don't want to think too hard about what their kids see. This. Is. A. Horrible way to watch movies for ANYONE! Not just kids. You can not care what you watch but kids need stimulating thought provoking innovative ideas that will carry them through the world they have to navigate and learn about. So being sad is an emotion of which kids feel and need to feel and discuss with you a parent in order to grow. So where does that leave this movie? Mixed honestly. Someone like me loved it for it's imagination, it's heart, the main character and her drive to invent, create and ultimately rediscover why it's important to do so after something that happens to bury those feelings. The mixed part comes into play when you as an older person who knows how to analyze movies and characters. The message of the movie can be confusing. This is purely a matter of perspective so I can only give mine and if someone disagrees then they are free too. Just don't say "it's stupid cause it's sad and I don't wanna watch sad things with my kid's". To which I say, here's a happy meal, your hamster ball and a wall with no paint. I'd let you watch the paint dry but we wouldn't wanna get too exciting or dare I say...... CREATIVE! The inventions in this movie are an absolute pleasure to see come to life. And I don't mean literally either even though that's also fun. I mean to see a child think of these wonderful ideas and be encouraged by their parents to think of even greater more fun ways to look at them even if the kid thinks you as the smarter parent could probably come up with something better. It's how it should be since the child is taught that their ideas matter and they are important to express in only words they can say. Overall without spoiling too much I will say you will enjoy this movie if you are looking for a character that is strong, creative and finds out why it's important to be that way. If you aren't then that's ok. There are plenty of fine movies you can watch. Just make sure that they have heart and don't always play it safe. A Disney movie can be scary and that's good. A nickelodeon movie can be sad and that's ok. A warner bros movie can have crazy amounts of creativity. All movies can have inappropriate humor if you py attention to what they sneak in. Nothing is meant to be sacred and nothing is truly safe. Take a chance, have fun and explore. Your heart will thank you for it.

  • Better than I Expected


    I just love it. June herself is a understandable character and has a very realistic real life personality. Basically June is the typical dreamerthat finds out that life bites back and that's a good thing. If your going into watching this show now, its not going to be too easy due to his personality, but the more you watch it you will start to see how June actually handles trying to connect with people from her past and how he can stay relevant in todays media. With witty (and cutways too) jokes and pretty reasonable emotional moments, its a cartoon that makes you feel apart of the multiple situation he is in and always wonder whats going to happen next, its hooks you at a different physiological level that other animated see that as a good thing!

  • Not the best but far from bad


    Wonder Park is a movie that has a pretty cool premise and potential but doesn't quite reach greatness. One issue is the pacing of the films tone, during the first arc it's back and forth between whimsical, cutesy, funny and then dramatic until we get the park. The humor isn't laugh out loud either but their are some laughs to be had. One of the films strong points are the action sequences like the introduction the park at the very start and when June and the mascots are dodging the oncoming destruction of the park set foot by the zombie sock monkey toys (I can guarantee you this is the only movie to that zombie Sock monkeys). The characters are typical but likable but the relationship with June and her mom is one of the films strong points they get along real well and they time their on screen together is just so precocious and Junes arc of dealing with uncertainties of weather her mom can return to her is when the film has it's best moments. Though the pacing is better in the middle of the film it still isn't smooth as butter I don't wanna spoil too much but there's a scene in which the mascots believe June betrays them and it's shown as a big deal, but the next day after helping with the one of the rides, she regains all their trust instantly. I'm pretty sure the films issues have to do with the directing, there was some drama where the director was called out for harassment charges and had to leave production, so the studio had to carry on with either a new person in charge who has not been credited as of yet or they pressed forward with what they had done so far, and it's pretty sad cause this movie could have had it's issues ironed out and given likely would have dodged a lot of the criticism thrown it's way. The movie isn't a broken mess it's just their was a lot more that could have been done with it, as it stands now it's a fun movie even if it feels unfocused and has some mood-swings with the tone from scene to scene. It's also a pretty short movie too. I should also note that much like Jimmy Neutron Boy genius and Big Hero 6, Wonder park is getting TV series that will air on Nickelodeon in the not too distant future and hopefully Wonder Park gets more justice done their.

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