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Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015)

Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015)

Casper Van DienCatherine OxenbergJennifer WengerSarodj Bertin
Kevin O'Neill


Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015) is a English movie. Kevin O'Neill has directed this movie. Casper Van Dien,Catherine Oxenberg,Jennifer Wenger,Sarodj Bertin are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Picking up where Dr Sands and Dr Symes left off after the destructive experimentation with animal DNA in Sharktopus (2010) and Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014), yet another scientist, this time, Dr Elsa Reinhardt, decides to play with fire. It seems that some people never learn, and when the ambitious doctor decides to mix the genes of a grey wolf and a killer whale, she inadvertently creates the uncontrollable hybrid monstrosity, Whalewolf. Now, as the alcohol-dependent boat captain, Ray, and his partner, Pablo, leave no stone unturned to locate the Sharktopus that roams free in the waters of the Dominican Republic, the nightmarish Whalewolf wreaks havoc on the land. But, what happens if those two unstoppable beasts cross paths?

Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015) Reviews

  • Your 10:00 is here.

    Mr. OpEd2015-07-20

    For once, a SyFy original that's funny on purpose. If we're lucky, one out of every 200 SyFy originals is decent entertainment because the people behind it knew what they were doing with direction, music, editing, and above all, the script. Sadly, most SyFy orgs feel like a near death experience. Sharktopus vs Whalewolf is just as stupid a premise as any other SyFy flick, and the film makers embrace this, turning it into one of the funnier films. And yes, it's meant to be funny. Catherine Oxenberg is obviously having a blast as the hammy Kraut. Casper Van Dien (whose beard is somehow 30 years older than the rest of him) is the Errol Flynn type (the alcoholic Flynn, that is). Akari Endo, for whom this is not her first SyFy rodeo gets to shine as the take-charge badge on the beach. The effects are slightly more polished in the CGI department, but it's still CGI and the Whalewolf looks more like a monster puppy than a man eater, but that's part of the charm. Highly recommended but don't come into this expecting bad SyFy or even so-bad-it's good. Get ready to chortle!

  • This movie changed my life.


    Before I was a crack addict, living in the ends. But I watched this film and saw Captain Ray, and realised what Id become. Now, I go to AA meetings twice a week, and I'm on the road to recovery. I also had an unhealthy diet of hookers and street whores. But now I only do myself. (out of choice) The vuju guy was a fantastic actor, shame his head was eaten. I wish mine was. (i mean my pepe) i am sad the nurse hooker lady died. CGI 10/10 fo' sho'. Was basically 3D. Better than Avatar. Story line on point. It makes complete sense that a whalewolf would find a home in a stadium. Somewhere where there is no water. Lol. Peace out homies. SHARKTOPUS RIP. (spoiler alert)

  • The Best in the Series So Far


    Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015) ** (out of 4) The drunken boat captain Ray (Casper Van Dien) is thrown into jail after a woman on his boat is killed by the sharktopus. While this is going on, mad scientist Dr. Reinhardt (Catherine Oxenberg) is experimenting with DNA, which leads to the whalewolf character. Soon more dead bodies are piling up while the two large monsters battle one another. This is the third film in the SHARKTOPUS series and it's certainly the best. I think what makes this one work is that the film gives a lot of effort in trying to be funny and campy. The first two films in the series as well as many of these SyFy movies seem to think that if you purposely make a movie bad then it's going to be entertaining. That's not the case and that's why so many of them fail. This one here is obviously silly and over- the-top but the film doesn't play it dumb and instead comes up with a few clever jokes that actually work. The highlight of the film is certainly the Oxenberg character as the actress is clearly having a blast playing the mad German scientist. Even funnier is a sequence where her big-breasted assistant runs around in slow motion with her things juggling. This here is pure Roger Corman sexism at its finest. Van Dien is good enough in his role and there's no doubt that he too appears to be having fun. Akari Endo is also good in her supporting role. As you'd expect, there's quite a bit of fake looking blood as various body parts are eaten by the two main characters. SHARKTOPUS VS. WHALEWOLF is pretty good in its own way so if you're a fan of these types of movies then you're bound to get a few laughs out of it.

  • Not great but the best of the Sharktopus series


    The first Sharktopus was pretty bad but was an alright diversion. The second movie Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda was a big disappointment, being twice as stupid to the point it was too much and with none of the previous movie's fun. Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf is the best of the three to me, it isn't great and execution is patchy but generally there are things that it does better than the previous two. Generally, Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf is the best-looking of the three. The scenery is lovely, and photography and editing are tighter than before. The score is the quirkiest, the most suspenseful and fitting of the series, while the movie clearly knows what it wants to be (which is campy fun) and doesn't overdo it to the point of being dull and who it's aiming at (which I didn't get so much with the previous two) and there are some clever jokes in the script. The final fight is pretty exciting if a bit short, and the Sharktopus is the best-designed and least-fake-looking of the series and is pretty cool and menacing in personality whereas it was just goofy in the previous two. Casper Van Dien clearly has fun and tries to inject some tragedy, while Akari Endo is winning too. Catherine Oxenberg however is wildly over-the-top, the most over-the-top parts being embarrassing, and she is as believable as a German in the same way with Keanu Reeves as an Englishman in Dracula or Jon Voight as a Paraguayan in Anaconda (two of the worst accents ever attempted in film so that's indication of how badly overdone her attempt was). The characters have personality but not development with motivations and such being on the surface. The whalewolf was a missed opportunity, marginally better at least than the pteracuda but it's rendered cheaply, it's not much of a threat and is too underdeveloped to be able to root for it. While Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf works in the fun factor and is never dull, it fails as horror, the attacks are too random, too rushed and too goofy and it comes at the expense of tension and suspense, which is nowhere in sight (they are also predictable and not unlike anything seen in the previous Sharktopus movie and the Mega Shark franchise). Some of the dialogue is cheesy and inane, apart from some clever jokes, and while Sharktopus' death is cool Whalewolf's is anti-climactic. Overall, Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf may not be great but it is the best of the Sharktopus movies. 5/10 Bethany Cox

  • Stupid as F**k


    This movie was beyond stupid. I can't believe I even watched it in the first place. The acting was ultra bad, the special effects were comparable to a 3 year old messing around on paint, what the bleep was up with her German accent and what was up with the not nude porn stars??! If it were possible i would give this movie -100 stars, that's how bad it was. The money wasted on this could have found better use. Please never ever even think about making another one of these stupid A** Movies. (The only reason i watched it till the end was because I wanted to know who wins)

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